Author: The Ed Psych Practice

Screen Time Affects Your Child’s Brain More Than You Think

Screen Time Affects Your Child's Brain More Than You Think

Takeaway: Screen time can mess with your child’s attention, language development, social awareness, and more. But it can also be very entertaining and educational. And the ‘type’ of screen time matters just as much as the ‘quantity.’ So, embrace the key principles of balance, active engagement, and safety in managing your child’s screen time. Read More

How Executive Functions Coaching Can Transform Your Adolescent’s Life

Takeaway: Coaching differs from tutoring because it goes beyond helping your adolescent with schoolwork. Instead, it offers strategies and techniques to improve their executive functions – which then triggers large-scale life changes. The result? Your adolescent has an action plan to gain more control of their life gradually. And this transformation can help them feel calmer and more fulfilled. Read More

Why Does Autism Affect Your Child’s Eye Contact?

Takeaway: There are psychological, social, sensory, and biochemical reasons why children with autism shy away from eye contact. So, it’s important to know which triggers to work on and how best to address them. Your best option? Find an autism specialist to help create a custom support plan for your child. Read More

Why Media Overload Could Be Harming Your Adolescent’s Mental Health

Why Media Overload Could Be Harming Your Adolescent’s Mental Health

Takeaway: Adolescents with unfiltered media access are regularly exposed to inappropriate content and are at risk for developing physical, mental health, and addiction-related problems. The solution? Audit your child’s online life and set up fair, transparent, and enforceable rules for using the internet.   Read More

What Is Life Like For Children With Sensory Processing Disorder

What Is Life Like For Children With Sensory Processing Disorder

Takeaway: We make sense of the world around us because our brains process a constant stream of sensory signals. But for some people, these signals get crossed and become like a traffic jam in their heads – an unsettling experience, especially for young children who can’t explain what they’re going through. Thankfully, we can tackle these difficulties using tools like sensory integration therapy, occupational therapy, and a sensory diet. Read More

Why Do Adolescents Love ‘Doom Scrolling’? And Is This A Problem?

Why Do Adolescents Love ‘Doom Scrolling’? And Is This A Problem?

Takeaway: Doom scrolling social media feeds can entertain your teen, make her feel socially connected, and relieve underlying anxiety. But it also quickly becomes addictive and gives adolescents a warped view of the world. The solution? Help set internet rules and encourage other healthier online and offline habits. Read More

What Does ‘Inattentive’ ADHD Mean For Your Teenage Daughter?

What Does ‘Inattentive’ ADHD Mean For Your Teenage Daughter?

Takeaway: Teenage girls with an ‘inattentive’ ADHD diagnosis can often mask their difficulties so well that parents and teachers overlook their struggles. And this can worsen their practical, emotional, and social challenges – destroying their self-confidence and resilience. Thankfully, the right therapist can help you find simple solutions to most of these problems and teach your child to develop her strengths, adapt to her weaknesses, and develop a support network that understands her needs. Read More

Is Your Child a ‘Late Talker’? Or Does She Have a Language Impairment?

Is Your Child a ‘Late Talker’? Or Does She Have a Language Impairment?

Takeaway: Many children struggle to learn language skills, but often for different reasons. Some ‘late talkers’ simply need a bit of extra time to catch up to their peers. But others have more serious language impairments that won’t sort themselves out without the right support. Either way, parents can learn to spot red flags and contact a specialist immediately. Read More