Tag: Speech and Language Therapist

Is Your Child a ‘Late Talker’? Or Does She Have a Language Impairment?

Is Your Child a ‘Late Talker’? Or Does She Have a Language Impairment?

Takeaway: Many children struggle to learn language skills, but often for different reasons. Some ‘late talkers’ simply need a bit of extra time to catch up to their peers. But others have more serious language impairments that won’t sort themselves out without the right support. Either way, parents can learn to spot red flags and contact a specialist immediately. Read More

Why Is Auditory Working Memory So Important?

Why Is Auditory Working Memory So Important

Takeaway: Auditory working memory is a virtual ‘workspace’ in our mind. It’s where we temporarily store sounds we hear as we try to make sense of them. This working memory is crucial in so many daily tasks like solving problems, learning, following instructions, and more. And because of this, children with poor auditory working memory often struggle in school. But if they can learn to work with their strengths, instead, they’ll be able to overcome most difficulties.  Read More

Sensory Feeding Difficulties: Is Your Child a Picky Eater?

Sensory Feeding Difficulties Is Your Child a Picky Eater

Takeaway: If your child dislikes certain textures, colours, and consistencies, she’ll likely become a picky eater. And this can affect her physical and psychological health. But a specialist can help reverse these issues by using tools and techniques like the SOS approach, sensory bins, and food chaining.
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Do Girls Experience Autism Differently?

Do Girls Experience Autism Differently

Takeaway: Autism affects girls differently to boys, at many levels — biologically, psychologically, socially, and emotionally. But, it’s often overlooked because girls are skilled at ‘masking’ their differences. And the longer your child goes undiagnosed, the greater the chances of her developing issues like depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. So, if you suspect your daughter has autism, consider consulting a specialist who can offer her the help she deserves. Read More

Questions to Ask Paediatricians About Your Child’s Development

questions to ask paediatricians about your child's development

Overview: Children are often late in reaching their developmental milestones. Slight delays are normal, but significant ones on many fronts can be an issue. Here, a developmental assessment can help a paediatrician decide if there’s cause for concern. But what are these assessments? How can you prepare for them? And what questions should you ask? Read on to find out. Read More