Tag: Early Intervention

Is Your Child a ‘Late Talker’? Or Does She Have a Language Impairment?

Is Your Child a ‘Late Talker’? Or Does She Have a Language Impairment?

Takeaway: Many children struggle to learn language skills, but often for different reasons. Some ‘late talkers’ simply need a bit of extra time to catch up to their peers. But others have more serious language impairments that won’t sort themselves out without the right support. Either way, parents can learn to spot red flags and contact a specialist immediately. Read More

How Does Dyslexia Affect Primary School Children?

How Does Dyslexia Affect Primary School Children

Takeaway: Dyslexia stems from brain changes that affect your child’s reading, writing, and maths abilities, as well as her physical coordination and learning-related behaviour. But this says nothing about your child’s intelligence and learning potential. So if we diagnose and address your child’s challenges early (in primary school), she can compensate for them and become a skilled learner. Read More

What Is Pervasive Developmental Disorder [PDD]?

what is pervasive developmental disorder pdd

Takeaway: PDD is the older term for what we now call Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). It describes children whose brains function uniquely, giving them a whole new set of strengths and weaknesses. Most notably, though, children with ASD have issues socialising, communicating, and learning. These differences often make it harder to thrive at school and build a circle of close friends. But given the right support, children with ASD can learn to live a fulfilling life.  Read More

How Do You Diagnose a Global Developmental Delay?

How Do You Diagnose a Global Developmental Delay

Takeaway: Children with a global developmental delay are well behind in meeting many developmental milestones. These include milestones to do with (1) cognitive skills, (2) motor skills, (3) language & communication skills, (4) social and emotional skills, and (5) self-care skills. You can download milestone checklists to try and identify a global delay, but that’s just a first step. Eventually, you’ll need a team of specialists to make the diagnosis and create a care plan.     Read More

Developmental Language Disorder (DLD): Why Your Child May Be Struggling to Communicate

developmental language disorder dld

Takeaway: Many children have trouble learning how to speak and communicate fluently. But for most, this is a phase they outgrow. With DLD, a child’s brain develops differently, making it harder for her to learn and use language, through school and into adulthood. Thankfully, though, there are tools and techniques you can use to help your child adapt. Read More