Tag: Speech Therapist

How LEGO Therapy Uses ‘Play Time’ to Develop Your Child’s Social Skills

lego therapy

Takeaway: LEGO therapy is a fun, multisensory type of group play therapy that can help your child develop her social (and other) skills. Sessions happen at regular intervals (ideally every week), a facilitator guides the group through a semi-structured LEGO play session, and the children take turns trying out different roles. These roles and the club rules help your child expand her type of play and teaches her important skills that carry over into her everyday life.  Read More

Autism Evaluation – Autism Diagnostic Interview – Revised

autism evaluation adi revised

Takeaway: Parents can spot the signs of autism long before anyone else. You just need an expert to help make sense of what you see. That’s what the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) is all about. It’s a semi-structured interview where a specialist uses your observations to assess whether or not your child is in the autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It provides an opportunity to give your child the kind of care and support she needs.
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Developmental Language Disorder (DLD): Why Your Child May Be Struggling to Communicate

developmental language disorder dld

Takeaway: Many children have trouble learning how to speak and communicate fluently. But for most, this is a phase they outgrow. With DLD, a child’s brain develops differently, making it harder for her to learn and use language, through school and into adulthood. Thankfully, though, there are tools and techniques you can use to help your child adapt. Read More

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? And why is it often overlooked?

what is autism spectrum disorder

Takeaway: Children with autism have problems with social interaction, get stuck with repetitive behaviour, and are overloaded by sensory stimuli. But there’s such a variation in autistic behaviour that even doctors misdiagnose it. For example, they might notice your child’s short attention span and assume that her challenge is ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder). And once they’ve assumed this, they’ll likely ignore the underlying autism spectrum diagnosis. That’s why it’s important to take your child to an experienced multi-disciplinary team of specialists.  Read More