Tag: Communication Difficulties

Does Autism Affect Girls’ Behaviour More Than Boys’?

Does Autism Affect Girls Behaviour More Than Boys

Takeaway: Autism affects both boys and girls, but since girls are better at hiding their differences, their challenges often go unnoticed. And this means they’re more at risk for academic, social, and emotional damage from all their unmet needs. The solution? Consult a specialist as early as possible to create a support plan for your child. Read More

How Psychotherapy Can Change Your Child’s Life

how psychotherapy can change your child's life

Takeaway: Psychotherapy (i.e., ‘talk therapy’) gives your child a safe place to express her feelings and process her thoughts. And this can help her tackle problems that would otherwise overwhelm her. But while it is about talking, it’s more than just a regular conversation, and therapists have a range of approaches and techniques to choose from. Psychotherapy takes time to work, but it can slowly transform the way your child lives her life. Read More

Developmental Language Disorder (DLD): Why Your Child May Be Struggling to Communicate

developmental language disorder dld

Takeaway: Many children have trouble learning how to speak and communicate fluently. But for most, this is a phase they outgrow. With DLD, a child’s brain develops differently, making it harder for her to learn and use language, through school and into adulthood. Thankfully, though, there are tools and techniques you can use to help your child adapt. Read More