Tag: Children

Screen Time Affects Your Child’s Brain More Than You Think

Screen Time Affects Your Child's Brain More Than You Think

Takeaway: Screen time can mess with your child’s attention, language development, social awareness, and more. But it can also be very entertaining and educational. And the ‘type’ of screen time matters just as much as the ‘quantity.’ So, embrace the key principles of balance, active engagement, and safety in managing your child’s screen time. Read More

How the Pandemic Has Changed the World For Children

How the Pandemic Has Changed the World For Children

Takeaway: The pandemic has forced children to deal with uncertainty, trauma, interrupted learning, and potential bullying. But it’s also brought communities together and changed the way children learn. So, as parents and caregivers, we need to help our children cope with their challenges and celebrate their victories.  Read More

Can We Improve Executive Functioning in Children With ADHD?

Can We Improve Executive Functioning in Children With ADHD?

Takeaway: Our brain’s executive functions help guide us through day-to-day living, but they’re underdeveloped in children with ADHD. Techniques like brain training, neurofeedback, and mindfulness can help tackle these problems, but ideally, you’ll need a specialist to help customise a tailor-made care plan for your child. Read More

Self-Regulation & Your Child’s Path to Daily Happiness

self regulation and your child's path to daily happiness

Takeaway: Self-regulation refers to your child’s ability to manage her inner self and how she reacts to situations. The better her self-regulation skills, the happier she’ll feel and the easier it will be to make friends and do well at school. To teach your child how to manage herself better, help her name the emotions she’s feeling and use an appropriate coping strategy to handle these emotions.     Read More

How Psychotherapy Can Change Your Child’s Life

how psychotherapy can change your child's life

Takeaway: Psychotherapy (i.e., ‘talk therapy’) gives your child a safe place to express her feelings and process her thoughts. And this can help her tackle problems that would otherwise overwhelm her. But while it is about talking, it’s more than just a regular conversation, and therapists have a range of approaches and techniques to choose from. Psychotherapy takes time to work, but it can slowly transform the way your child lives her life. Read More

What Are the Pros And Cons of CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)?

Pros And Cons of CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)

Takeaway: CBT is a form of talk therapy that helps us change the way we think, which in turn changes the way we react to challenges. It can help your child through tough times, but make sure you find a skilled therapist who has experience working with children.  Read More

Why Children Need to Learn to Manage Their Emotions

Why Children Need to Learn to Manage Their Emotions

Takeaway: Children with good emotional self-regulation know how to handle their emotions in different situations. Without it, they would struggle to (1) Make friends, (2) Succeed at school, and (3) Stay mentally healthy. But as a parent, there are simple things you can do to help your child regulate her emotions.   Read More

Can Children Practice Mindfulness? And Does It Work?

can children practice mindfulness

Takeaway: Research shows that mindfulness is a legitimate tool to change the way we deal with challenges. And the exciting thing is that it works with children, too. But you’ll need to use the right approach: Choose realistic goals, don’t force mindfulness on your child, choose the right exercises, and set a good example. Read More

School After Lockdown: 3 Challenges Your Child Will Need Help With

shools after lockdown challenges your child will need help with

Takeaway: Most children are now used to the new-normal of lockdown. And this might make returning to school a little stressful. So, to help them adapt, (1) Get them back onto their pre-lockdown routine, (2) Talk to them about their anxieties, and (3) Teach them how to protect themselves from COVID-19. Read More