Tag: Pandemic

How the Pandemic Has Changed the World For Children

How the Pandemic Has Changed the World For Children

Takeaway: The pandemic has forced children to deal with uncertainty, trauma, interrupted learning, and potential bullying. But it’s also brought communities together and changed the way children learn. So, as parents and caregivers, we need to help our children cope with their challenges and celebrate their victories.  Read More

Is Your Child Anxious During This Pandemic? Here’s What You Can Do

things to do when child is anxious during pandemic

Takeaway: Your child might be anxious, but this is a chance to teach her coping skills she can use for the rest of her life. The trick is to (1) Listen, watch, and stay available, (2) Be positive, calm, and reassuring, (3) Help her process what she hears, (4) Be honest and fact-based about what you tell her, (5) Teach her what she can do to stop germs from spreading.
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