Tag: Mental Health

Screen Time Affects Your Child’s Brain More Than You Think

Screen Time Affects Your Child's Brain More Than You Think

Takeaway: Screen time can mess with your child’s attention, language development, social awareness, and more. But it can also be very entertaining and educational. And the ‘type’ of screen time matters just as much as the ‘quantity.’ So, embrace the key principles of balance, active engagement, and safety in managing your child’s screen time. Read More

Why Do Adolescents Love ‘Doom Scrolling’? And Is This A Problem?

Why Do Adolescents Love ‘Doom Scrolling’? And Is This A Problem?

Takeaway: Doom scrolling social media feeds can entertain your teen, make her feel socially connected, and relieve underlying anxiety. But it also quickly becomes addictive and gives adolescents a warped view of the world. The solution? Help set internet rules and encourage other healthier online and offline habits. Read More

Art Therapy Can Help Your Child Manage Her Emotions Better

Takeaway: Art therapy is a powerful tool to help children bring their inner emotional world out into the open. And in the process, they learn to regulate their emotions and express them in healthy ways. It’s a free-flowing, creative experience that can help tackle issues more traditional therapies can’t. Read More

What Art Therapy Can Reveal About Your Adolescent’s Inner World

What Art Therapy Can Reveal About Your Adolescent's Inner World

Takeaway: Art therapy is a powerful tool to help adolescents connect with their unconscious mind. And this lets them explore emotions, experiences, and struggles in a way that regular ‘talk therapy’ often can’t. The key is to find the right therapist, though. Someone who understands child psychology and is trained to use art as a therapeutic tool. Read More

‘School Refusal’ In Adolescents: What’s Really Bothering Them?

School Refusal In Adolescents

Takeaway: There’s always a thought pattern behind your Adolescents fear of school. And unlike younger children, we can teach adolescents to identify and replace faulty/negative thought patterns. But you’ll want to spot the problem early and step in immediately, or it can damage your child’s emotional and mental health. Read More

Can eHealth & Technology Help Adolescents live Happier, Healthier Lives?

Can eHealth and Technology Help Adolescents live Happier Healthier Lives

Takeaway: Technology can offer adolescents new ways to get the physical and mental health support they need. And it can seamlessly blend into their daily routine in a way more traditional healthcare can’t. But it’s not a magic solution to all teen mental health challenges. So, parents and eHealth developers will need to play their parts in harnessing technology’s positives and cancelling out its negatives. Read More

The Sleep/Anxiety Link in Autism & ADHD

sleep anxiety link in autism and asd

Takeaway: Sleep-deprived children tend to be more anxious, while anxious children are often sleep-deprived. And this gets magnified in children with autism and/or ADHD. If regular sleep schedules and relaxation techniques aren’t helping, consider contacting a specialist for guidance. Read More

What is Music Therapy and how will it help my child

What is Music Therapy-and how will it help my child

Music therapy is a branch of arts psychotherapy that uses music as well as talking to the therapist as a vehicle to help children and young people express, explore their emotions and the stories they have about themselves and others. Music is a universal language which can express emotions and feelings directly both with and without words. As such, music can be a very effective carrier and container for unconscious feelings and emotions. Read More

What Are the Pros And Cons of CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)?

Pros And Cons of CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)

Takeaway: CBT is a form of talk therapy that helps us change the way we think, which in turn changes the way we react to challenges. It can help your child through tough times, but make sure you find a skilled therapist who has experience working with children.  Read More