Tag: Social Anxiety

‘School Refusal’ In Adolescents: What’s Really Bothering Them?

School Refusal In Adolescents

Takeaway: There’s always a thought pattern behind your Adolescents fear of school. And unlike younger children, we can teach adolescents to identify and replace faulty/negative thought patterns. But you’ll want to spot the problem early and step in immediately, or it can damage your child’s emotional and mental health. Read More

What To Do If Your Child Starts Trying to Avoid School

What To Do If Your Child Starts Trying to Avoid School

Takeaway: If your child starts trying to avoid school, (1) Spot her anxiety triggers, (2) Keep her school updated, (3) Create an action plan, (4) Teach her to manage anxiety, (5) Gently encourage her to go to school, (6) Ask a specialist for help if needed. Read More

Here’s Why Teen Girls With ADHD Often Go Undiagnosed

Why Teen Girls With ADHD Often Go Undiagnosed

Takeaway: Adolescents boys and girls have trouble with ADHD, but find different ways of dealing with their challenges. For example, if a boy gets bored in class, he’s likely to become disruptive, while a girl might simply start daydreaming. So, a girl’s desire to fit in and stay out of trouble means her ADHD is more likely to go undiagnosed. The solution? Consult a specialist if you notice your daughter having problems at school or in her social life.   Read More

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Your Child’s Learning & Attention Issues

why you should not ignore your child's learning and attention issues

Takeaway: Learning and attention differences can make your child’s life so much harder. She’ll struggle to (1) Keep up in class, (2) Follow rules, and (3) Make friends. And these challenges could damage her self-esteem. So, as soon as you notice your child struggling, talk to her teacher and/or consult a specialist.
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Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria: How ADHD Makes Children Fear Rejection

Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria How ADHD Makes Children Fear Rejection

Takeaway: Rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD) describes the tendency of children with ADHD to be triggered by teasing, criticism, and other types of social rejection. And this triggering can overwhelm them with hurt, anger, or sadness. As a result, they either lash out or withdraw from any social contact. And both these types of reactions make their lives worse than before. So, if you suspect your child has RSD, it’s important to get her to a specialist who can help.     Read More

Here’s Why Social Anxiety Disorder Is More Precarious Than You Think

Here is Why Social Anxiety Disorder Is More Precarious Than You Think

Takeaway: Children with social anxiety disorder are phobic about social situations. They’re overwhelmed by fears and anxieties that people are judging them. Regular shyness goes away with time, but social anxiety disorder keeps getting worse. And it causes children to withdraw from life completely. However, they can learn to reconnect with life and find happiness again with the right care plan and coping strategies. Read More

Selective Mutism

selective mutism

Takeaway: ‘Selective mutism’ is a complex, uncontrollable reaction to anxiety, where children can’t speak in certain situations. It’s not that they don’t want to, or choose not to, they simply CAN’T. The trick is to get a diagnosis quickly (before things get worse) and use the training techniques your speech and language therapist provides. Read More