Tag: School Refusals

What To Do If Your Child Starts Trying to Avoid School

What To Do If Your Child Starts Trying to Avoid School

Takeaway: If your child starts trying to avoid school, (1) Spot her anxiety triggers, (2) Keep her school updated, (3) Create an action plan, (4) Teach her to manage anxiety, (5) Gently encourage her to go to school, (6) Ask a specialist for help if needed. Read More

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Your Child’s Learning & Attention Issues

why you should not ignore your child's learning and attention issues

Takeaway: Learning and attention differences can make your child’s life so much harder. She’ll struggle to (1) Keep up in class, (2) Follow rules, and (3) Make friends. And these challenges could damage her self-esteem. So, as soon as you notice your child struggling, talk to her teacher and/or consult a specialist.
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