Tag: Resilience

Why Your Child’s Future Could Depend On Her Self-Esteem

Takeaway: Self-esteem describes a child’s sense of self-worth, and it plays a huge role in designing her future. Children with a strong sense of self-worth are emotionally hardy, independent, and love taking on challenges. In contrast, children with low self-esteem tend to be more anxious, withdrawn, and afraid of trying anything new. Thankfully, we can boost our children’s self-esteem by working on their negative self-talk with an experienced child psychologist as a guide.   Read More

What Is Resilience? And Can Therapy Make Your Child More Resilient?

What Is Resilience

Takeaway: Resilience is your child’s ability to rebound from challenges and tough times. And thankfully, it’s something we can teach children to develop — either at home or through therapies like CBT, ACT, and more. And the great thing is that we can match your child’s personality and needs to the type of therapy that will best help her. Read More

Why Children Need to Learn to Manage Their Emotions

Why Children Need to Learn to Manage Their Emotions

Takeaway: Children with good emotional self-regulation know how to handle their emotions in different situations. Without it, they would struggle to (1) Make friends, (2) Succeed at school, and (3) Stay mentally healthy. But as a parent, there are simple things you can do to help your child regulate her emotions.   Read More