Category: Education

Your Child as a “Neurodiverse Learner”

your child as a neurodiverse learner

Takeaway: Neurodiversity is a science-based concept that thinks of people as being ‘typical’ or ‘different.’ So, some children might have challenges that others don’t, but that doesn’t mean there’s anything inherently wrong with them. They’re just different. Moreover, these differences come with a whole set of strengths, too! Neurodiversity helps us celebrate individual differences and transforms the way we think of education. Rather than targeting the average student, we start focussing on the unique needs of each child. And this individualisation of education plans can help your child be her best self.
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How to Unravel Your Child’s Back-to-School Stress and Anxiety

child back to school stress anxiety

Takeaway: Going back to school after months of lockdown can be a strange experience for your child. But if you spot her stress and anxiety issues early, you can teach her valuable coping strategies. Strategies like breaking large problems into manageable chunks, exploring and learning to manage worst-case scenarios, and redirecting attention to notice the positive. Read More

School After Lockdown: 3 Challenges Your Child Will Need Help With

shools after lockdown challenges your child will need help with

Takeaway: Most children are now used to the new-normal of lockdown. And this might make returning to school a little stressful. So, to help them adapt, (1) Get them back onto their pre-lockdown routine, (2) Talk to them about their anxieties, and (3) Teach them how to protect themselves from COVID-19. Read More