Tag: Listening Skills

Why Do Parents Often Overlook Auditory Processing Disorder?

Why Do Parents Often Overlook Auditory Processing Disorder

Takeaway: Children with auditory processing disorder (APD) have brain differences that give them specific characteristics. But these characteristics sometimes overlap with those of children with hearing issues, language disorders, dyslexia, anxiety disorders, and ADHD. So, you’ll need a specialist to help diagnose your child’s APD and design the right support plan. Read More

How Will Working-Memory Difficulties Affect Your Child?

How Will Working Memory Difficulties Affect Your Child

Takeaway: Working memory issues make it harder for your child to pay attention to things. And this affects how she learns, socialises, and lives her life. Although we can’t magically improve her working memory, there’s a lot we can do to help her adapt. And this can radically change her quality of life.  Read More

Why Is Auditory Working Memory So Important?

Why Is Auditory Working Memory So Important

Takeaway: Auditory working memory is a virtual ‘workspace’ in our mind. It’s where we temporarily store sounds we hear as we try to make sense of them. This working memory is crucial in so many daily tasks like solving problems, learning, following instructions, and more. And because of this, children with poor auditory working memory often struggle in school. But if they can learn to work with their strengths, instead, they’ll be able to overcome most difficulties.  Read More

How LEGO Therapy Uses ‘Play Time’ to Develop Your Child’s Social Skills

lego therapy

Takeaway: LEGO therapy is a fun, multisensory type of group play therapy that can help your child develop her social (and other) skills. Sessions happen at regular intervals (ideally every week), a facilitator guides the group through a semi-structured LEGO play session, and the children take turns trying out different roles. These roles and the club rules help your child expand her type of play and teaches her important skills that carry over into her everyday life.  Read More