Tag: Poor Motor Coordination

How Does Dyslexia Affect Primary School Children?

How Does Dyslexia Affect Primary School Children

Takeaway: Dyslexia stems from brain changes that affect your child’s reading, writing, and maths abilities, as well as her physical coordination and learning-related behaviour. But this says nothing about your child’s intelligence and learning potential. So if we diagnose and address your child’s challenges early (in primary school), she can compensate for them and become a skilled learner. Read More

Did You Know ADHD Can Affect Your Child’s Hand-Eye Coordination?

Did You Know ADHD Can Affect Your Child's Hand Eye Coordination

Takeaway: Many children with ADHD also have problems with motor skills, and they’re often labelled as ‘clumsy’. Now brain science is revealing how the same mechanisms that lead to ADHD might be interfering with motor skills development, too. But these findings can also help parents process their anxieties better and help their children work around problem areas. Read More