Is Your Child a ‘Late Talker’? Or Does She Have a Language Impairment?

Is Your Child a ‘Late Talker’? Or Does She Have a Language Impairment?

Takeaway: Many children struggle to learn language skills, but often for different reasons. Some ‘late talkers’ simply need a bit of extra time to catch up to their peers. But others have more serious language impairments that won’t sort themselves out without the right support. Either way, parents can learn to spot red flags and contact a specialist immediately. Read More

Why Do Parents Often Overlook Auditory Processing Disorder?

Why Do Parents Often Overlook Auditory Processing Disorder

Takeaway: Children with auditory processing disorder (APD) have brain differences that give them specific characteristics. But these characteristics sometimes overlap with those of children with hearing issues, language disorders, dyslexia, anxiety disorders, and ADHD. So, you’ll need a specialist to help diagnose your child’s APD and design the right support plan. Read More

The Step-By-Step Guide to Teaching Your Child Empathy

The Step-By-Step Guide to Teaching Your Child Empathy

Takeaway: Empathy helps us be more caring/connected people, but it’s a challenging skill to develop. So, we parents need to help our children understand the roots of empathy (e.g., recognising and honouring emotions, taking other people’s perspectives, etc.) and encourage them to exercise their ‘empathy muscles.’ Read More

How Music Therapy Helps Children With Autism Be More Social

Takeaway: Music therapy can bypass your child’s usual autistic defences, bringing out her joyful, creative side. But, for this to happen, the therapist must be able to build trust, work towards clearly-defined goals, and improvise on the go. So, we parents need to find therapists with the right balance of intuition and training to help our children.  Read More

Art Therapy Can Help Your Child Manage Her Emotions Better

Takeaway: Art therapy is a powerful tool to help children bring their inner emotional world out into the open. And in the process, they learn to regulate their emotions and express them in healthy ways. It’s a free-flowing, creative experience that can help tackle issues more traditional therapies can’t. Read More

How to Help Your Child Transition From Primary to Secondary School

Takeaway: Guide your child through her primary-to-secondary school transition by gradually giving her more responsibilities, talking to her about all the upcoming changes, and suggesting practical tips to tackle common secondary school problems. Importantly, remember that you’re not alone in all this. Teachers, other parents, and trained child specialists can help guide you through challenging moments, giving you the feedback and support you need. Read More

Solve Back-to-School Anxiety For Children With Learning Difficulties

Solve Back-to-School Anxiety For Children With Learning Difficulties

Takeaway: Learning differences and difficulties add to existing back-to-school anxieties, creating a toxic anxiety-avoidance feedback loop. The solution? First, listen to your child’s fears so she feels heard, and then help her build a new, stronger self-identity. Read More

How to Make Change Less Scary for Children With Autism

Takeaway: To make change less scary for your child, get her used to following a clearly-outlined visual schedule, and then gradually introduce ‘change cards’ to challenge her need for predictability. If done right, you’ll be able to systematically desensitise her to many types of change and teach her to use coping strategies for any anxiety she feels. Read More

5 Summer Learning Activities For Primary School Children

Takeaway: Slow down ‘summer learning loss’ by challenging your child with fun learning activities. For instance, try (1) Scavenger hunts to sharpen observation skills, (2) Field trips to improve organisational skills, (3) Creative writing to stimulate imagination and narrative skills, (4) Invention challenges to encourage lateral thinking and problem-solving, and (5) Origami to improve visual-spatial skills and more.   Read More

The Winning Strategy to Limit Your Child’s Summer ‘Learning Loss’

Takeaway: After weeks of holiday relaxation, your child will inevitably forget some of what she learned at school over the previous year. But you can limit this summer learning loss by helping her set/track learning goals and find learning moments in daily tasks and activities. Read More