Tag: Dyscalculia

Is Your Child Neurodivergent? And What Does That Mean?

Is Your Child Neurodivergent

Takeaway: Neurodivergent children are those who think, feel, or behave differently from their classmates. And rather than seeing these differences as disorders that need to be cured, we should see them as natural brain diversity (i.e., neurodiversity) with its own set of strengths and weaknesses. So, we’re not trying to ‘fix’ a ‘problem’ anymore. Instead, we embrace and develop valuable aspects of a child’s rich, complex mind and personality.   Read More

Dyslexia Vs. Dyscalculia: Differences & Similarities

dyslexia vs dyscalculia

Takeaway: Dyslexia and dyscalculia are separate learning differences, but they have common roots in the brain. So, while dyslexia affects reading skills and dyscalculia affects maths skills, they often overlap. And they both can chip away at your child’s self-confidence if left unchecked. The solution? Teach your child how to adapt to her new learning needs. Read More

What is Dyscalculia? And How Can You Learn to Spot It?

what is dyscalculia

Takeaway: Dyscalculia is a learning difference that influences how a child understands, learns, and uses maths and numbers. Children with dyscalculia don’t quite get how numbers work — e.g., what they mean, how to count and compare them, and how they connect with the real world. This means they struggle with maths and have problems with other numbers-related tasks like telling time, dealing with money, and keeping score while playing games. Not all children who struggle with maths have dyscalculia, though, so you’ll need an educational psychologist to help you know for sure.
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