Tag: Learning

Is Your Child’s ‘Working Memory’ Holding Her Back?

child working memory

Takeaway: Working memory helps us process and use information — much life RAM in a computer. So, poor working memory makes it harder for children to succeed at school and in life. But once they understand the basics of working memory, they can adapt and become more efficient learners. Read More

How Specialist Teachers Can Help Your Child Become a Happy Learner

specialist teachers help children become happy learner

Takeaway: It’s hard to figure out the root cause of seemingly simple challenges. Say, your child has trouble finishing her homework. Is it just that she’s not motivated? Or is her brain having trouble processing the information? For example —  seeing letters in reverse or not ‘getting’ numbers? A specialist teacher is trained to understand the underlying issues and tackle them using a systematic care plan.    Read More

Occupational Therapy: How to Help Your Child Be More Independent, Confident, & Adaptable

occupational therapy help child be more independent confident adaptable

Takeaway: Children have occupations (i.e., daily tasks) which they take pride in doing. And when they need help with these, an occupational therapist can step in to assess the problem and teach them exercises to improve specific skill sets. Practise is vital, so the trick is to make the exercises a part of your child’s daily routine and keep them game-like. Read More

What Are ‘Learning Styles’? And What Can They Tell Us About Children Who Struggle At School?

what are learning styles

Takeaway: ‘Learning styles’ refer to a range of theories trying to explain why people learn in different ways. They remind us that learning is a rich, textured process with many moving parts. So, if a child struggles at school, it’s not that she’s a poor student. Rather, it’s that we need to tweak the way we’re teaching. Read More