Category: Referrals

Why Smart Girls With Autism Need Extra Attention

Why Smart Girls With Autism Need Extra Attention

Takeaway: Smart and gifted girls with autism are often skilled at hiding their differences. And this makes it much harder to notice that they need help. But if we diagnose them early, we can strategically nurture their strengths, support their weaknesses, and free them from having to struggle alone.  Read More

A New Approach to Homework for Children With ADHD

A New Approach to Homework for Children With ADHD

Takeaway: ADHD makes it harder for children to focus on homework assignments. But there’s a solution: Develop the right study routine. This means (1) Identifying your child’s unique challenges, (2) Helping her settle down to work, (3) Identifying fun study strategies to explore, (4) Working with – not against – her ADHD traits, and (5) Using the right organisation tools.   Read More

Does Autism Affect Girls’ Behaviour More Than Boys’?

Does Autism Affect Girls Behaviour More Than Boys

Takeaway: Autism affects both boys and girls, but since girls are better at hiding their differences, their challenges often go unnoticed. And this means they’re more at risk for academic, social, and emotional damage from all their unmet needs. The solution? Consult a specialist as early as possible to create a support plan for your child. Read More

How To Help Young Children with Autism Regulate Their Emotions

How To Help Young Children with Autism Regulate Their Emotions

Takeaway: To teach children with autism how to regulate their emotions, we need to (1) Explore what emotions are using ‘emotion cards’ and ‘social stories,’ (2) Rate emotions on an emotions-thermometer scale, and (3) Use basic attention-redirection techniques like mindfulness and deep breathing. Read More

How Does Dyslexia Affect Primary School Children?

How Does Dyslexia Affect Primary School Children

Takeaway: Dyslexia stems from brain changes that affect your child’s reading, writing, and maths abilities, as well as her physical coordination and learning-related behaviour. But this says nothing about your child’s intelligence and learning potential. So if we diagnose and address your child’s challenges early (in primary school), she can compensate for them and become a skilled learner. Read More

What Is An Educational Cognitive Assessment?

What Is An Educational Cognitive Assessment

Takeaway: An educational cognitive assessment is a research-backed testing to help understand your child’s learning profile. It measures verbal comprehension, visual-spatial skills, and thinking skills  so that we can nurture her strengths and support her weaknesses.    Read More

How Dyslexia Can Boost Your Child’s Communication Skills

How Dyslexia Can Boost Your Childs Communication Skills

Takeaway: We usually associate dyslexia with a long list of weaknesses, but this is only half the story. That’s because dyslexia is a brain ‘difference,’ not a brain ‘deficit,’ and it also brings many strengths – especially to do with communication and storytelling. So, as parents, we can help nurture and harness these skills, either at home or with guidance from a specialist.   Read More

What Is Resilience? And Can Therapy Make Your Child More Resilient?

What Is Resilience

Takeaway: Resilience is your child’s ability to rebound from challenges and tough times. And thankfully, it’s something we can teach children to develop — either at home or through therapies like CBT, ACT, and more. And the great thing is that we can match your child’s personality and needs to the type of therapy that will best help her. Read More

Is Social Media Making Your Adolescent More Anxious?

Is Social Media Making Your Adolescent More Anxious

Takeaway: Adolescents already have to deal with a lot of anxiety and depression, and social media overuse just makes things worse. It distracts them from tackling their real-world problems, interferes with them developing an identity of their own, and worries them into thinking they’re missing out on all the fun other people seem to be having. As parents, we can set limits on social media use but might need the help of specialists to tackle any underlying anxiety and depression. Read More

Why Are Exams So Stressful? And Can Adolescents Learn To Cope?

Why are exams so stressful

Takeaway: Restarting exams after a two-year break affects adolescents emotionally because there are multiple factors at play. But as parents, there’s a lot we can do to help. Specifically, we can teach our children to reframe their anxieties and focus more on ‘learning’ than ‘performing.’ And for persistent emotional issues, we can consult a specialist for help.
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