Author: The Ed Psych Practice

What is Dyscalculia? And How Can You Learn to Spot It?

what is dyscalculia

Takeaway: Dyscalculia is a learning difference that influences how a child understands, learns, and uses maths and numbers. Children with dyscalculia don’t quite get how numbers work — e.g., what they mean, how to count and compare them, and how they connect with the real world. This means they struggle with maths and have problems with other numbers-related tasks like telling time, dealing with money, and keeping score while playing games. Not all children who struggle with maths have dyscalculia, though, so you’ll need an educational psychologist to help you know for sure.
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How to Unravel Your Child’s Back-to-School Stress and Anxiety

child back to school stress anxiety

Takeaway: Going back to school after months of lockdown can be a strange experience for your child. But if you spot her stress and anxiety issues early, you can teach her valuable coping strategies. Strategies like breaking large problems into manageable chunks, exploring and learning to manage worst-case scenarios, and redirecting attention to notice the positive. Read More

School After Lockdown: 3 Challenges Your Child Will Need Help With

shools after lockdown challenges your child will need help with

Takeaway: Most children are now used to the new-normal of lockdown. And this might make returning to school a little stressful. So, to help them adapt, (1) Get them back onto their pre-lockdown routine, (2) Talk to them about their anxieties, and (3) Teach them how to protect themselves from COVID-19. Read More

Is Asperger’s Syndrome the Same As Autism?

asperger syndrome

Takeaway: We now see autism as being a spectrum with a range of subtypes. Asperger’s Syndrome is the old name of the mildest of these subtypes. Children with Asperger’s have a lot of the same characteristics as children with classical autism, but it doesn’t affect their functioning as much. And with the right support, they can live full, meaningful lives. Read More

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? And why is it often overlooked?

what is autism spectrum disorder

Takeaway: Children with autism have problems with social interaction, get stuck with repetitive behaviour, and are overloaded by sensory stimuli. But there’s such a variation in autistic behaviour that even doctors misdiagnose it. For example, they might notice your child’s short attention span and assume that her challenge is ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder). And once they’ve assumed this, they’ll likely ignore the underlying autism spectrum diagnosis. That’s why it’s important to take your child to an experienced multi-disciplinary team of specialists.  Read More

ADHD Vs ADD, in Children: What Do I Need to Know?


Takeaway: ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) both refer to children who struggle to focus their attention. But ADHD is the newer term and it adds a ‘hyperactivity’ component to these attention issues. Children with ADHD usually have problems focussing, are hyperactive, and often impulsive. But luckily there are simple things you can do to help your child deal with these challenges. Read More

Is Your Child Anxious During This Pandemic? Here’s What You Can Do

things to do when child is anxious during pandemic

Takeaway: Your child might be anxious, but this is a chance to teach her coping skills she can use for the rest of her life. The trick is to (1) Listen, watch, and stay available, (2) Be positive, calm, and reassuring, (3) Help her process what she hears, (4) Be honest and fact-based about what you tell her, (5) Teach her what she can do to stop germs from spreading.
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How Specialist Teachers Can Help Your Child Become a Happy Learner

specialist teachers help children become happy learner

Takeaway: It’s hard to figure out the root cause of seemingly simple challenges. Say, your child has trouble finishing her homework. Is it just that she’s not motivated? Or is her brain having trouble processing the information? For example —  seeing letters in reverse or not ‘getting’ numbers? A specialist teacher is trained to understand the underlying issues and tackle them using a systematic care plan.    Read More

The Simple 6-Step Time Management Guide for Middle School Children

time management steps for school children

Takeaway: Middle school children are often overwhelmed by the sheer number of things they need to do. Luckily, time management strategies can be broken down into a series of simple, teachable steps and skills: (1) Identify problem areas, (2) List tasks & to-do’s, (3) Prioritise tasks, (4) Estimate the time needed for each task, (5) Break tasks down into sub-tasks, and (6) Create a schedule. Just spend a little time every day helping your child practise these steps and help her slowly take back control of her life. And if she needs more focussed attention, you could always consult an educational psychologist. Read More